???????Module 1:- Understanding PLC
- Introduction of “PLC ”.
- Types of PLCs.
- Introduction of Hardware & Programming software.
- I/Ps-O/Ps of PLC.
- Power supply for PLC & control supply.
- Addressing concepts.
- Introduction to bit, byte & word concept.
Module 2:- Peripheral devises
- Interfacing of input output devices.
- Sensors.
- Input output components.
- Relay (12v, 24v etc).
- Switches (NO/NC).
- Indicators (LED, LCD etc).
Module 3:- PLC Hardware
- Modal configuration of PLC hardware.
- Modules and channels in PLC.
- Input and output limitations.
- Electrical wiring for inputs and outputs.
- Expansion possibilities.
- Features handling.
- Live trouble-shooting.
Module 4:- PLC Programming & Softwares
- Learning “RsLinks” for communication between Hardware & logic software.
- Learning “ladder logics” to program the system.
- Programming instructions arithmetic and logical.
- Flow chart of programs.
- Instructions - i/p, o/p ,latch o/p, unlatch o/p etc.
- Compare /Add /Sub /And /Or-Blocks.
- Timer block programming.
- Counter Block programming.
- Advanced instructions.
- File handling.
- Master control/set/reset function.
- Forcing I/P & O/P.
- Upload, download, Run time monitoring of programs.
- Example programs.
- Exercise programs.
- Project based ladder logics programs.
- Troubleshooting and fault diagnostics of PLC.
Module 5:- A.C. Drives
- Introduction to AC Drives.
- Communication with PLC.MMI/SCADA Software.
- The “Joint International Committee” (JIC) Schematic Wiring symbols.
- Designing concepts of drivers.
- 3-Phase AC motors driver/stator.
- Protection sensors to safely drive heavy industrial motors.
- Contactors, Protection relays, Thermocouples, etc.
Module 6:- SCADA (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition)
- “Rsview” software for SCADA.
- Creating a new SCADA application.
- Creating Database of Tags.
- Creating & Editing graphic display with animation.
- Creating Alarms & Events.
- Writing logic through script.
- Synchronization between SCADA and Ladder logics.
- Connectivity with the different hardware.
Module 7:- Real Time Projects
- Automatic bottle filler.
- Traffic light system.
- PLC based boiler pressure monitoring and controlling system.
- PLC based Temperature Controller.
- PLC based home appliances controlling system.